
The best ChatGPT prompts for Design

Get inspired and improve your design workflow drastically with our curated collection of prompt templates.

User Research

How can I apply the results of user surveys to improve the user experience of a [news website]?

Information Architecture

Propose a method for organizing and categorizing content in a [digital magazine app]

Interaction Design

Suggest ways to design intuitive and engaging interactions for a [recipe-sharing platform]

Visual Design

Provide ideas for visually representing user progress in a [fitness tracking app]

Usability Testing

How can I conduct remote usability testing for a [language learning platform]?

Accessibility Design

What are key considerations for ensuring accessibility in a [video conferencing app]?

Mobile Design

Recommend best practices for designing a seamless onboarding experience in a [budget tracking app]

Web Design

Suggest techniques to improve page loading speed for a [photography portfolio website]

E-commerce Design

How can I optimize the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment on an [online clothing store]?

UX Writing

Provide tips for writing clear and concise microcopy for a [project management tool]

User Research

What techniques can be used to identify the target audience for a [travel booking app]?

Information Architecture

How can I create a content hierarchy for a [health and wellness blog]?

Interaction Design

What principles should guide the design of interactive elements in a [virtual event platform]?

Visual Design

How can typography enhance the user experience of a [personal finance website]?

Usability Testing

What are the most effective ways to gather user feedback during usability testing for a [music streaming app]?

Accessibility Design

How can I ensure that a [podcast platform] is accessible for users with hearing impairments?

Mobile Design

What are the key considerations when designing a user-friendly navigation menu for a [real estate app]?

Web Design

How can I improve the user experience of a [restaurant website] for both desktop and mobile users?

E-commerce Design

What are effective ways to showcase product features and benefits on an [electronics e-commerce website]?

UX Writing

How can I craft engaging and informative tooltips for a [data visualization platform]?

User Research

What methods can be used to gather user feedback for a [sports news app]?

Information Architecture

How can I structure the information in a [digital library] for easy navigation?

Interaction Design

What are some engaging ways to design a tutorial for a [photo editing app]?

Visual Design

How can I use visual hierarchy to improve the user experience of a [job search website]?

Usability Testing

How can I measure the effectiveness of a search feature in a [productivity tool] during usability testing?

Accessibility Design

What steps can I take to ensure a [weather app] is accessible for users with vision impairments?

Mobile Design

What are the best practices for designing an intuitive user interface for a [gaming app]?

Web Design

How can I design a responsive layout for a [portfolio website] that works well on various screen sizes?

E-commerce Design

How can I create an effective product comparison feature for a [home appliance e-commerce website]?

UX Writing

How can I write concise and informative error messages for a [tax filing platform]?

User Research

What are some effective methods for conducting [remote user research]?

Information Architecture

How can I improve the [navigation structure] of a content-heavy website?


What are some best practices for creating [mobile app wireframes]?


How can I create a [high-fidelity prototype] that effectively communicates my design ideas?

Usability Testing

What are some tips for conducting [unmoderated usability tests]?

Visual Design

How can I create a [visually appealing color scheme] that adheres to accessibility guidelines?

Adaptive Learning

How can adaptive learning be implemented in [e-commerce platforms]?

UX Strategy

What are some key components of a successful [user onboarding experience]?

User Journey Map

How can I create a user journey map for [first-time users] of a complex software?

User Research

What strategies can be employed to recruit a diverse group of participants for [user research studies]?

Information Architecture

How can card sorting help improve the [information hierarchy] of a website or application?


What tools are recommended for creating [responsive wireframes] for multiple screen sizes?


How can I use [animated transitions] to enhance the user experience in my prototype?

Usability Testing

What are some common mistakes to avoid when conducting [usability tests]?

Visual Design

How can I use [white space] effectively in my UI design to improve readability and aesthetics?

Adaptive Learning

What are the key elements to consider when designing adaptive learning experiences for a [news app]?

UX Strategy

What are some ways to align [UX and business goals] in a product development process?

User Journey Map

How can I identify and prioritize [pain points] in a user journey map?

Advertising Design

What techniques can I use to create an eye-catching billboard advertisement for a [new smartphone]?

Advertising Design

How can I create an effective social media ad campaign for a [fitness app]?

Advertising Design

What elements should I consider when creating a print ad for a [local theater production]?

Art and Creative Direction

What are the key steps to establish a consistent visual style for a [music festival's promotional materials]?

Art and Creative Direction

How can I develop a visually striking advertising campaign for a [luxury automobile]?

Art and Creative Direction

What strategies can I use to create a visually cohesive marketing campaign for a [travel agency]?

Branding and Identity Design

How can I create a memorable logo for a [sustainable fashion brand]?

Branding and Identity Design

What strategies can I use to develop a cohesive brand identity for a [vegan restaurant chain]?

Branding and Identity Design

How can I develop a strong color palette for a [startup's] brand identity?

Digital and Web Design

How can I design an effective landing page for a [crowdfunding campaign]?

Digital and Web Design

What principles should guide the design of a responsive website for a [non-profit organization]?

Digital and Web Design

How can I design an attractive and user-friendly interface for a [personal blog]?

Environmental Graphic Design

What elements should I consider when designing wayfinding signage for a [public park]?

Environmental Graphic Design

How can I incorporate local culture into the design of murals for a [community center]?

Environmental Graphic Design

What are some creative ways to incorporate signage into the design of a [retail store]?

Exhibition and Display Design

How can I design an interactive and immersive exhibition display for a [modern art museum]?

Exhibition and Display Design

What elements should be considered when designing a trade show booth for a [tech company]?

Exhibition and Display Design

How can I design a visually engaging window display for a [high-end fashion boutique]?

Illustration and Icon Design

What are the best practices for designing cohesive and informative icons for a [mobile banking app]?

Illustration and Icon Design

How can I design a set of unique and memorable illustrations for a [children's book]?

Illustration and Icon Design

What principles should guide the design of custom icons for a [weather app]?

Motion Graphics Design

How can I create an engaging animated explainer video for a [B2B software product]?

Motion Graphics Design

What tips can you provide for creating a visually engaging title sequence for a [documentary film]?

Motion Graphics Design

How can I create an impactful motion graphics presentation for a [corporate event]?

Packaging Design

How can I design eco-friendly packaging for a [cosmetics product line]?

Packaging Design

What elements should I consider when designing product packaging for a [premium chocolate brand]?

Packaging Design

How can I design an innovative and functional packaging solution for a [coffee brand]?

Publication Design

What are the key principles of designing an engaging layout for a [print magazine]?

Publication Design

How can I create a visually appealing and accessible layout for an [e-book]?

Publication Design

What techniques can I use to create an engaging cover design for a [cookbook]?

Modeling Techniques

What are the various 3D modeling techniques and which are best suited for different types of projects?


What are the best practices for applying textures to 3D models to enhance realism and visual appeal?


How can 3D designers effectively use lighting to create depth and atmosphere in their 3D scenes?


What are the key considerations and settings for rendering high-quality 3D images and animations?

Character Rigging

How can 3D designers create flexible and functional rigs for character animation?

3D Printing

What are the design considerations when creating 3D models intended for 3D printing?

Performance Optimization

How can 3D designers optimize models and scenes for performance, especially for real-time applications like games?

3D Sculpting

What are the tools and techniques available for 3D sculpting, and how do they differ from traditional 3D modeling?

Animation Techniques

What animation techniques can be applied to bring life to 3D models and characters?

Asset Management

How can 3D designers efficiently manage assets like models, textures, and materials across different projects?

Collaboration in 3D Design

What are the best practices and tools for collaborating with other designers and teams on 3D design projects?

Design Trends in 3D

What are the current trends in 3D design and how can designers adapt to stay ahead in the industry?

Product Design

What are some key considerations when designing a [sustainable water bottle]?

Transportation Design

How can I incorporate innovative features in the design of an [electric bicycle]?

Furniture Design

What factors should I consider when designing ergonomic furniture for a [home office]?

Consumer Electronics Design

What are the best practices for designing a user-friendly interface for a [smart home device]?

Medical Device Design

How can I design a [medical wearable] that is both functional and aesthetically appealing?

Toy Design

What principles should guide the design of an educational toy for [preschool-aged children]?

Industrial Equipment Design

How can I design an energy-efficient [industrial air compressor]?

Tool Design

What features should be considered when designing a versatile and user-friendly [multitool]?

Houseware Design

How can I design a [modular storage system] that is both functional and stylish?

Kitchenware Design

What are the key factors to consider when designing a [space-saving kitchen gadget]?

Product Design

How can I design a [reusable shopping bag] that is both durable and visually appealing?

Transportation Design

What are some ways to enhance the user experience in the interior design of a [self-driving car]?

Furniture Design

How can I incorporate sustainable materials into the design of [outdoor furniture]?

Consumer Electronics Design

What are some key design considerations for a [wearable fitness tracker]?

Medical Device Design

How can I design a [portable diagnostic device] for use in remote areas?

Toy Design

What are the best practices for designing an inclusive and accessible toy for [children with disabilities]?

Industrial Equipment Design

What factors should be considered when designing a [modular conveyor system]?

Tool Design

How can I design a [gardening tool] that is both comfortable and efficient?

Houseware Design

What are some creative ways to design a [laundry hamper] that fits seamlessly into modern decor?

Kitchenware Design

What are the best practices for designing a [cookware set] that balances aesthetics and functionality?

Product Design

What are some innovative ways to design a [biodegradable packaging solution]?

Transportation Design

How can I design a [public transportation system] that is both efficient and user-friendly?

Furniture Design

What are some design considerations for creating multi-functional [living room furniture]?

Consumer Electronics Design

What are the key factors to consider when designing a [smart speaker] for home use?

Medical Device Design

How can I design a [telemedicine platform] that is accessible and user-friendly?

Toy Design

What are some techniques for designing a [STEM-focused toy] that is both educational and engaging?

Industrial Equipment Design

What are the best practices for designing a [safety-focused industrial robot]?

Tool Design

How can I design a [power tool] that is both lightweight and powerful?

Houseware Design

What are some creative ways to design a [pet feeding station] that is both functional and stylish?

Kitchenware Design

What factors should be considered when designing a [set of knives] for professional chefs?

Residential Design

What are some key elements to consider when designing [multi-functional spaces] in a residential setting?

Commercial Design

How can I incorporate [biophilic design] into a commercial office space?

Hospitality Design

What are some ways to create a memorable [guest experience] in a boutique hotel?

Healthcare Design

How can I design a healthcare facility that promotes [patient well-being and comfort]?

Retail Design

What are the best practices for designing an engaging [retail store layout]?

Exhibition Design

How can I create an immersive [exhibition experience] that is accessible to a diverse audience?

Lighting Design

What are some strategies for creating a [mood-enhancing lighting design] in a residential space?

Sustainable Design

How can I implement [sustainable materials] in an interior design project?

Space Planning

What are some tips for designing a [flexible space] that can accommodate multiple functions?

Material Selection and Specification

How can I evaluate and select [eco-friendly materials] for an interior design project?

Residential Design

What are some innovative ideas for integrating [smart home technology] into residential design?

Commercial Design

How can I design a [co-working space] that fosters collaboration and creativity?

Hospitality Design

What are some key elements to consider when designing a [sustainable hotel]?

Healthcare Design

How can I incorporate [nature-inspired design elements] into a healthcare facility to improve patient well-being?

Retail Design

What are some strategies for creating an [inclusive retail environment] for customers with disabilities?

Exhibition Design

How can I design an [interactive exhibition] that engages visitors of all ages?

Lighting Design

What are some tips for creating a [dynamic lighting scheme] for a commercial space?

Sustainable Design

How can I design an [energy-efficient interior] without sacrificing comfort and aesthetics?

Space Planning

What are some best practices for designing [open-concept spaces] that maintain functionality?

Material Selection and Specification

How can I select [durable materials] for high-traffic areas in an interior design project?

Residential Design

What are some tips for creating a [cohesive color scheme] throughout a residential space?

Commercial Design

How can I design a [modern office space] that promotes employee well-being and productivity?

Hospitality Design

What are some strategies for incorporating [local culture] into the design of a hotel or resort?

Healthcare Design

How can I create a [calming and peaceful environment] in a healthcare waiting area?

Retail Design

What are some techniques for designing a [visually appealing retail display] that captures customer attention?

Exhibition Design

How can I use [storytelling] to enhance the visitor experience in an exhibition?

Lighting Design

What are some considerations for designing [energy-efficient outdoor lighting]?

Sustainable Design

How can I incorporate [repurposed materials] into an interior design project?

Space Planning

What are some methods for optimizing [storage solutions] in a small living space?

Material Selection and Specification

How can I choose [low-maintenance materials] for a family-friendly interior design project?